Friday, 29 January 2010

photographs of shooting day

photographs from our shooting day they depict people fiming and useing the Camera equipment, the shooting in progtess such as the stabbing in the shower in progress, talking through ideas in the location and gruesome picture of the actress with her costume and blood on.

this is a photo of our stabbing scene in the shower as you can see we have flicked blood over the actreces tshirt to get a good efect and make it more realistic.

In this picture you can see the blood we have pored in the bottom of the shower to get a shot of the blood running off the victim’s body down the slug hole.This shot we filmed as a close up because we wanted the impact of how much blood there is and how ht symbolises his life is slipping away down the plug hole

This is a photograph of what the actress looked like in costume and with the fake blood make up splattered over the white t-shirt, chest and face. We did this by having a member of our group crouching in the shower with the bottle of fake blood and a paint brush splattering it on to the actresses body and face to get the effect that as she stabs him his blood projects out and hits her.

Hear we have a photograph of the actress getting ready to stab the victim while he unknowingly showers she is standing on the other side of the wall appearing exited at the idea of him in there so close to her.
We shot from this angle as a wide shot to show the whole room and how close the proximity of the killer and the victim are without the victim being aware of him which we felt to be a frightening because he is venerable and naked and he has no idea what is coming for him.

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