Monday, 4 October 2010

Summery of treatment idea

The content of my treatment music video is to have showed the maturing and rise to fame and fortune of the band members, which are 4 late teenaged boys who start as scruffy, messy typical student types and grow over the course of the song to be successful, rich and famous.

The song starts with the band performing in a messy teenaged flat (like student halls)/ rehearsal room and the mess will consist of clothes, dirty plates, cider bottles, cigarette butts. news papers, magazines etc… the boys will also be wearing messy slightly dirty clothes as well such as ripped t shirts, old trainers, messy skinny jeans. We will show the mess building up as the first verse goes on and in close ups with stop monition.

As the song progresses into its second verse the mess begins to change into a more expensive mess, for example the cider bottles will change to Champaign bottles, and dirty plates will just be mugs , coats will be hung up on pegs and the room will begin to look slightly more sophisticated and organised, though still messy but it shows they are becoming richer and more successful. Which we are also going to show using mid shots and close ups of the mess changing in stop motion.

In the third verse is when the band and there room really begin to change the room begins its transition from a messy rehearsal room/ student halls to there personal studio which is completely free of the teenaged mess and is all about music, for example all of the messy plates, clothes, bottles. To amps and guitars. To show to the audience that they have made it and they have grown as people and as a band together.

The whole structure of the video rests on 7 wide shots which show the rooms and bands steady progression from teenaged band to stars. This is done by in close up and mid showing all the stop motion transition, and when the shots cut back to wide it will establish for the audience how much the room has progressed and changes and the band to.

I think our idea promotes our bans star image because it shows there audience they began as normal teenagers and were just like anyone else so are promoting the ethos of anyone can be rich and famous if they really want it.

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