The lighting we used in our prelim task was very basic, we used a single ceiling light fixture to light our set. It was very simple and the set could have been lit a lot more effectively. The lighting we used in our main task was more complex, although we still used the lighting which was provided with our set we chose not to over work our choice of lighting because the lighting that was provided with our room had a slight yellow tinge to it. This was useful to us because in our piece at the beginning we create a false sense of security leading the audience to believe everything is safe which is reflected in the yellow lighting we used however even though the lighting was reassuring in ways it has an under tone that when shone on the skin gives a slightly ill look to the flesh which adds a sickness to the film suggesting something is slightly wrong.
The sets that we used in are prelim task was simple and basic though being in the studio was one of the best locations our groups could chose from, it consisted of 3 walls fixed together to take the shape of a basic empty room with one door and one window we didn’t plan any aspect of our set before shoot day and even on shoot day we didn’t change anything we just filmed the sequence right away. In our main task we roughly planed our set by doing lots of research such as viewing different locations and choosing the one that we felt was the most effective and gave the right feel to the sequence such as ours was a school bathroom with a shower in the right place in the room where we could get a shot of shower and the door to the room so we could make the link between our two characters. It also had good props such as pegs on the wall to show it is a locker room and the room was quite large so there was enough space to film comfortably. The only thing the bathroom didn’t have was a sink but we resolved this by using another bathroom in the building which had the same tiles so it made a graphic match. We had two other locations which were corridors they were different but by using doors and stairs. The door we used was also a graphic match because the door to the actual bathroom was not in a good place so we filmed the actress pushing through another door in the building. Our set was very important to our sequence.
In the prelim task we used very basic sound just using the microphone on the top of the camera to record abidance sound in the room and dialog of the actors. The sound was not clear in that sequence at all. We used no other form of sounds such non diegetic sounds. The sounds we used for our main task we also filmed with a mike and boom but we didn’t have much non diegetic sounds to film just the sounds of the shower and breath of the actress. We mostly concentrated on diegetic sounds finding the right music to fit the sequence. We started using a soft drum beat at first which sounds slightly sexy and up beat we then added a slight under tone of a high pitched sound as the sequence begins to get scarier ones we reach the curtail moment of the sequence the sound becomes even more high pitched and louder than ever to show the audience that that is the most important peace in the film. We chose our sound effects carefully because music does so much to suggest mood in a film.
The editing process
The editing in our prelim task was very basic we did no ruff cut and all our shots were taken straight from the story board and shooting script that we were provided with. In contrast to that the edeiting for our main task was a lot more complex we logged the shots we thought were good enough as we did at least 3 versions of each shot, we then made a ruff cut of the sequence and after that refined it and worked on after effects and sound effects. The whole editing process for the main task took about 9 hours if not more in total, the time we spent editing the prelim task was about 3-4 hours in total and that is including learning the soft where as it was new to us. During our main task our aim was to get our film looking as professional as possible as we used the prelim task to teach us how to use techniques, as a result of this our main task came out looking much more polished and professional from the experience
We didn’t use titles at all in our prelim task so the sequence didn’t look like a spoper short film just a badly filmed scene from one. The titles we used for our main task were very simple, we just had plain black slide which showed before and after the film. The first slide at the beginning of the film showed the distributor’s name (lionsgate) which was with bold righting that faded in onto a white background, and the title of the film which came at the end of the sequence was the same. We chose to have plane simple slides and to not gave away to much of the film with the beginning slide because we wanted the audience to use there imagination about the genre of the film. We also felt that the black and white contrasting colours were bold and dramatic. We put these titles in using the final cut pro editing program.
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